Build a YouTube Clone with React JS 2024

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bro please make an video on ai project that generate title , description and tags for youtube video in react js

Thank you sir always grateful 🙏

please create video on how to use context in react am getting confused

Thanks! I had built 🎉. Can I host this project by using firebase Does it work?. can anyone answer

Hello, thanks for the video. Could you make one also using Nextjs.

on 2:07:01 its showing An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: ziw6H4VIpDOxX5dr)

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1:00:39 play video jsx file import all video1 and like, dislike, dhare , save , jack , user_profile .but it not showing another page video why . how can we solve this problem

Hi can you copy the video player too ? 🙂

Please create one video on JWT authentication in ReactJS or NodeJS in such a way that any beginner can understand and can get a full explanation from scratch to advanced.

You can explain using any project also.

please do make a video on how to deploy this project on vercel

Hey could you please tell me how are you able to see hint(suggestion) in same line when you write any thing in editor or terminal?

Spotify full fledged clone

You are my love 🥺

The live preview isnt working😢😢

you are amazing i remember when you used to make small projects videos now your making clones for big apps this 10x more amazing keep posting we want series for big apps like this long videos

how can i add search functionality of youtube when we search something in response youtube send data

Why use normal css instead of module css ?
Should I try to do this using module css ?

hi, just a suggestion, i think it's better if you also include the browser in your screen beside your editor while you code so we can see the updates and changes 🙂

Sir plz help mee…. My question is…. When we are using map fanction it show error ..? What am I do?

missing sub button , search and navbar on small screen is not toggle navbar upload video uncomplete just i have little confusion about and on the other hand all the tutorial is superb

This is great but I wish it was in MERN stack

Hello can I ask about your Extensions which Extension are you using for typing for example rafce is bringing reactArrowFunction

Thank you so much sir

2:39:29 comments are not being added I am not getting what's wrong, any suggestions?

How to decide which dependencies should be mentioned in useeffect?

hello on my site youtube API not working what to do

It is with backend also??

Çok teşekürler videonu 3 defa dikatle izledim ve 2. izlememde projeyi bende yapmaya başladım anlamadım tekrar tekrar izledim (2) şuanda bende yaptım çok mutluyum 14 yaşındaydım ve arkadaşlarıma hava atıyorum senin sayende ben hindistanlıları hep kötü bilirdim ama senin konuşmandan belli iyi biri olduğun kanalına abone oldum ve şuanda tüm videolarına like atmaya başladım. (konuştuğum dil türkçe benim)

Thanks this projects help me alot.. Keep going..

can anyone know how to make work search bar?

why is the video not playing after I put videoId ?

Bro when I click the list in YouTube data api it is always remains with the string in the APIs Explorer how can I change IT

if anyone complete this project then pls provid source code

hi @GreatStack at @2:07:23 in my project video is not playing i am getting this error An error occurred. Please try again later. (Playback ID: 0ieX5tndZlJ927RZ)

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1:56:27 can please anyone help me that i am not finding the viewcount in api

can you help me…… the videos are not playing, getting some issue in PlayVideo.jsx <iframe> tag

When I minimize the screen, the Feed section will encroach inside the sidebar. Can anyone explain?

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